Louis versus Charles
King Louis XIV may have only been five when he took the throw, but he led a brilliant reign. His reign is the longest in European history (1643-1715). The first twenty years were his best. He carried out the administrative and financial reorganization of the kingdom, and the development of trade and manufacturing. Louis XIV formed an army and won a number of military victories. During Louis reign he encouraged the blossoming of culture. This led to the likes of music, architecture, painting, sculpture and all sciences.
Louis XIV brought the monarchy to its height, established a artistic court of Versailles, and fought the most of the other European countries in four wars. Louis became his own chief minister after the death of Mazarin. He controlled his own government until his death. Louis excluded himself from his council members and immediate family and controlled everything by himself. His reign was highly successful in internal and foreign affairs. The parliaments lost their traditional power to obstruct legislature, the judicial structure was reformed and criminal procedures were left untouched. Money was spent on buildings, art, and sculpture.
Charles I ascended the throne at the age of 25. Charles was strong willed, but that played against him during his reign. Charles I, a Protestant, married Henrietta Maria, a Roman Catholic. This caused conflict with Parliament and ultimately led to the civil war. Charles dissolved three Parliaments in four years because they refused to pay for military expenses. The third Parliament presented the Petition of Right,which was forced to be accepted by Charles. He then dismissed Parliament and had many leaders put in prison. For the next 11 years Charles governed on his own. During this time tonnage, poundage, ship money and other finances were being sanctioned to meet governmental expenses.
A problem in Scotland brought an abrupt end to Charles personal rule and led to a civil war upon England. His forces were unprepared due to the lack of funds. Charles tried, but continued not to come to any agreements.
The first civil war of the English Revolution began on October 23, 1642. Both religious and economic issues added to the difference between the supporters of the monarchy and of Parliament. Parliament had more money and a larger population were bound to win the battle. Charles surrendered to Scottish forces, he was then turned over to the Parliament. In 1648, Charles was put on trial for treason. Charles I was found guilty and sentenced to death as a tyrant, murderer, and enemy of the nation, in 1649.
Louis acted as if he were on the people s side and this gave him his advantage. Charles did not work well with others, if he pretended to be on Parliaments side he would have appeared as a better king.
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