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Sir Isaac Newton Essay Research Paper Sir

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Sir Isaac Newton Essay, Research Paper

Sir Isaac Newton was born on December 25, 1642 (according to the Julian calendar which was in use then; the date was January 4, 1643, according to the GRegorian calendar in use today0, at Woolsthorpe near Grantham in Lincolnshire. His widowed mother remarried when he was three years old, leaving him in the care of his feeble grandmother. Eventually his mother was persuaded to send him to grammar school in Grantham. Later, in the summer of 1661, he was sent to Trinity College, at the University of Cambridge.

Isaac NEwton recieved his bachelor’s degree in 1665. After an intermission of nearly two years he returned to Trinity College, which elected him to a fellowship in 1667. Isaac Newton recieved his master’s dgree in 1668. Newton ignored much of the established curriculum of the university to pursue his own interests: mathematics and natural philosophy. Proceeding entirely on his own, he investigated the latest developments in mathematics and the new natural philosophy that treated nature asw a complicated machine. Almost immediately, he made fundamental discoveries that were instrumental in his career in science.

Sir Isaac Newton, the English mathematician and physicist, is considered to be the one of the greatest scientists in history. HE made important contributions to many fields of science. His discoveries and theories laid the foundation for much of the progress in science and math since his time. NEwton also solved the mysteries of light and optics, formulatted the three laws of motion, and derived from them the law of universal gravitation.

Isaac Newton is conclusively a very imprtant person to science today. His many discoveries and theories were the building blocks of much science. Imagine if that apple had’nt fallen on his head.


‘Microsoft Encarta 99 Interactive Encyclopedia’

‘Isaac NEwton: The Greatest Scientist of All Time’ by Margaret Jean Anderson