Реферат: Темы для ов : The Roman invasion of Britain and its impact on the culture of the country. Latin borrowings in English. The Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain. The culture of the period - Refy.ru - Сайт рефератов, докладов, сочинений, дипломных и курсовых работ

Темы для ов : The Roman invasion of Britain and its impact on the culture of the country. Latin borrowings in English. The Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain. The culture of the period

Остальные рефераты » Темы для ов : The Roman invasion of Britain and its impact on the culture of the country. Latin borrowings in English. The Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain. The culture of the period


1. Срок сдачи рефератов – 15 ноября. Объем – 5-6 страниц.

Темы для рефератов:

The Roman invasion of Britain and its impact on the culture of the country. Latin borrowings in English.

The Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain. The culture of the period.

The Scandinavian invasion of Britain. Scandinavian borrowings in English.

The Norman Conquest and its impact on different spheres of life in England. French borrowings in English.

The economic and political changes in the 16th century England.

The Elizabethan age.

The Civil Wars in the 17th century England and their impact on the political life in the country.

Science in the 17th century England.

The Industrial Revolution. Science in the 18th century England.

The economic reforms of the 19th century.

The Victorian age.

The economic and political development of Britain between the two World Wars.

Britain in World War II.

Changes in the social life of Britain at the end of the 20th ccentury.

The economic development of Britain at the end of the 20th ccentury.

The history of the English language: from Old English to New English.

2. Сроки представления устных докладов на занятиях по домашнему чтению – с 15 ноября по 20 декабря. Звучание доклада – 5-10 минут без опоры на текст (можно пользоваться планом или тезисами). Необходимо использовать не менее двух англоязычных источников

Темы для устных докладов:

Traces of Celtic culture in present-day Britain.

The origin of English place-names.

Geoffrey Chaucer: his life and contribution to English literature.

William Caxton – the first English printer.

Arts in mediaeval England.

English Renaissance.

The theatre of the Elizabethan age.

William Shakespeare: his life and literary activities.

Arts in the 17th century.

The literature of the Enlightenment.

Romantic literature in England.

Realism in English literature.

English literature in the first half of the 20th century.

Contemporary English literature.

A 20th century writer/poet: his life and literary activities.

An outstanding public figure of the 20th century Britain.

English art.

English architecture.

English music.

English theatre.

List of Recommended Literature

Encyclopaedia Britannica.

A. L. Morton. A People’s History of England.

David MacDowell. An Illustrated History of Britain. Longman.

M. J. Hecker, T. D. Volosova. English Literature. M., 1967.

M.J. Hecker, T. D. Volosova, A. Doroshevich. English Literature, IX Form. M., 1975.

S.D. Zaitseva. Early Britain. M., 1975.

V. Safonova, I. Kuzmina, E. Smirnova. British Literature and Culture. Спб, 1997.

I. Burova. The History of England. Parliamentary Monarchy. CПб., 1997.

Е.В. Яковлева, Е.Ю. Вершинина. Об англоязычной культуре на английском языке. M., 1996.

И.П. Иванова, Л.П. Чахоян, Т.М. Беляева. История английского языка. СПб., 1998.

Т.А. Расторгуева. История английского языка. М., 1998.

Р.С. Гинзбург и др. Лексикология английского языка. M., 1979.

Адриан Р. У. Рум. Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь. М., 1999.

А.В. Кунин. Курс фразеологии современного английского языка. М., 1996.

А.П. Миньяр-Белоручева. Западноевропейское искусство от Хогарта до Сальвадора Дали. М., 1999.

Е.П. Прошкина. В мире музыки. Книга для чтения на английском языке. М., 1991.

Н.И. Леонова, Г.И. Никитина. Английская литература 1890-1960. М., 1997.