I.G. Goriacvhko, St. Petersburg, in March, 08.
Quantified body’s motions are realized in Universe in varity thermodynamical conditions (p, T) and accompanied by the variable also quantified electromagnetic and gravity fields forming the general ethe
r. But these fields may be arisen only at the expense of changed their charges
and masses
. The harmony of Nature needs in the unity of its mathematical description as in mechanics
as in thermodynamics
which practicable by the full differential‘s
mathematical method (which successfully is used in thermodynamics). Because that the full system of the quantum mechanics laws must be described as it shown at the left side of table 1. Laws (a), (b) is obtained by means the next vectors equations: for the impulse
, for the moment of impulse
From the right side for comparing is given the full system of Newton's mechanics laws.
5. Quantum mechanics
Table 1
In Newton’s laws (a’), (b’) parameter
is absent (i.e.
). Because of that these laws are incorrectly
as of physical as of mathematical standpoints. On the physical
point of view all
the parameters (
) for the circle
) body’s motion – are constancy
. Therefore,
(i.e. the doubt
). On the mathematica
l point of view these laws (excepting
(N)) – are not the full differentials
. But all
the laws ( a),( b ),(c) –are the full differentials
The explanation 3. The impulse
Because of that must be describing
, where
– the integrating factor
. Therefore, 
The verification
. Let us takes up the planet’s motion around the Sun. By means of (1) and Newton law
(assume that the Sun immovable) we obtain
Therefore, on the one side
– the centripeta
l force. But on the other side
the centrifugal
force. Because this
From (a), (b) for the two
bodies interaction may be received as all
the well known
mechanic’s laws:
, as the unknown
mechanic’s laws:
we obtain the Third Newton’s law
-(i.e. the well known equilibrium conditions
of a body). And etc.
6. The quantum corpuscular-wave theory
It is considered that modern corpuscular-wave theory applicable to any types of particles (i.e., to the changed and neutral ones). By means of (1) and (B’) they may be obtained the adjusted (i.e. the quantum
) laws of the corpuscular-wave theory (see the left side of the table 2. On the right side for comparing is given the ruling redaction of this theory).
Table 2
Plank’s constancy,
the angular frequency,
the wave date,
the wavelength,
the wave’s velocity,
the particle’s mass,
the unit vector. With regard to the parameter
in all of these laws see P. 3.
It must be especially notes that all
the laws of the tables 1 and 2 are carried up at a time
. But the role of the major
law belongs to the quantum law of conservation the full energy.
Thank you. To the next report in April, 12. G.I.G.
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