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Rich Food Essay Research Paper We have

Темы по английскому языку » Rich Food Essay Research Paper We have

Rich Food Essay, Research Paper

We have to be very careful with all the extra rich foods that are around this time of year. Although we can usually adjust to the high fat and sugared foods, our pets cannot. Turkey is usually very rich in fat due to the way it is prepared before we buy it uncooked. This makes it very hard for our pets to digest and can cause severe gastrointestinal complications such as vomiting, diarrhea, or pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). Chocolate is everywhere during the holidays. Most have heard or know that chocolate is dangerous to the dog and cat. Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, contains a cardiac drug called theobromine. This is very toxic, even if digested in small amounts. Chocolate toxicity is very serious. Symptoms can range from vomiting and diarrhea to increased heart rate and seizure activity. Some dogs and cats are very clever at sniffing out chocolate treats, so store them out of reach. Don?t let onions make you cry!! They contain a toxin that destroys red blood cells leading to anemia. Symptoms include lethargy, difficulty breathing and pale gums.