Religious Edu Essay, Research Paper
Teacher: Raymen E.
Grade Level: 6th
Date: 08/26/00
Lesson Plan
Book One ? Exploring and Discovering.
Topic One ? Mapping the world.
Objectives ? I. To discuss with the children the need for travel in societies of the past.
II. To make them aware of the Muslim contribution to the sciences of
geography, cartography, and navigation.
1. Introduce the student with a preface of the topic.
2. Break into groups and assign each group an equal amount of reading to do.
- each group will summarize their part of the topic in any way they wish.
- the groups can setup a small play or act, formally teach the class or anything else approved by me.
- they will be graded on how well they ?teach? the class.
3. During the first half of the class, students will break into groups and work on their part of the topic.
4. The last half of the class will be used for group presentations.
1. Activity 2 in the Activity Book.
2. Sample questions on page 14 in the Teacher?s and Parent?s Guide.
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