Темы по английскому языку - Refy.ru - Сайт рефератов, докладов, сочинений, дипломных и курсовых работ

Refy.ru » Темы по английскому языку

A Treasure House of Literature

Хранилище литературы.

About Myself

О себе.

A (Very) Brief History of the English Language

Очень краткая история английского языка.

Английские фамилии

Цель работы. Изучить историю образования английских фамилий. Изучить лексический аспект фамилий.

Six Wives of Henry VIII

Шесть жен Генриха VIII.

Come Rain or Shine

Дождь или солнце.

British education

Образование в Великобритании.

Youth Problems

Проблемы молодежи.

The Old Arbat street, Moscow

Улица Старый Арбат, Москва

English Has no Equals!

Английский не имеет равных!

The Subjects We Do at School

Предметы, которые мы изучаем в школе. Мой любимый предмет (1)

My School (1)

Моя школа (1).

About My Family

О моей семье.

About Myself

О себе.

Yuri Gagarin — a Modern Columbus

Юрий Гагарин — Колумб нашего времени.

My Flat (1)

Моя квартира (1).

Поняття , ознаки та види господарських товариств

Понятия, признаки и виды хозяйственных товариществ.

Аналіз вокальних методик другої половини ХХ століття: на прикаді методичного досвіду І. Прянішникова, В. Луканіна, В. Самарцева

Анализ вокальных методик второй половины XX столетия на примере методических работ И. Прянишникова, В. Луканина, В. Самарцева.

Children's and Youthful Criminality in the USA

Детская и юношеская преступность в США.

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Центральное разведывательное управление (ЦРУ).

Customs Service

Таможенная служба.

British Cuisine

Английская кухня.

British Homes

Жилища англичан.

British Literature

Британская литература.

My Week-day

Мой рабочий день.

British Art, Theatre, Music

Британское искусство, театр, музыка.

Finanzierung In Deutschland

Финансирование в Германии.

Education, its role in increase of economic potential

Education encompasses teaching and learning specific skills, and also something less tangible but more profound: the imparting of knowledge, positive judgment and well-developed wisdom. Systems education. Process. Teaching. Technology. Economics.

Emblems of the UK

The main national emblems of the United Kingdom. The main holidays of the state: St. George's Day, St. Andrew's Day, St. Patrick's Day, St. David's Day. History of the flag of the United Kingdom. Formation of the final version of the Union Flag.

Endogenous Cycle Models

Endogenous Cycle Models The Keynesian concept in economic of endogenous cycles seems to require non-linear structures. One of the theories of business cycles in the Keynesian vein is that expounded in a pioneering article by N. Kaldor. Non-linear dynamics of the Kaldor's cycle.

English in business

English in business English is more and more necessary for international business, but less and less sufficient. Companies should invest more in foreign-language skills. Many people are facing the problem of how to keep a balance between their business and private life.

English language for technical colleges

Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs, тhe generala word order in the English offer. Impersonal and indefinite-personal offers. Correct and irregular verbs. Modal verbs and their substitutes. Concord of tenses in the main and additional offers.

English Predicate and its Translation Properties into Uzbek

English Predicate and its Translation Properties into Uzbek Constituent analyses of the sentence. Complication of predicate and types of complications. The link-verbs in English and their translation into Uzbek and Russian. Transitivity of verbs and the problems of translating them into Uzbek, Russian languages.

English speaking countries

Canada as the largest country of the North America. Geographical position of Canada, its climate, relief and environment. The population, religion and moving types. History of development of territory. A state system, the basic provinces of Canada.

English Speaking Countries

Why English language so the expanded language in the world. The English countries of conversation are located in various parts of the world and differ in the different ways. Each country has own customs of history, tradition, and own national holidays.
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