Emma?s Dilemma Essay, Research Paper
Dilemma In my investigation I am going to investigate the number of
different arrangements of letters in a word. e.g. Tim Is one arrangementMit Is another First I am going to investigate how many different
arrangements in the name LUCY, which has no letters the same. LUCY LUYC LYCU LYUC LCYU LCUY ULCY UCLY UYLC ULYC UCYLThere are 4 different letters and there are? 24different arrangements.SAM SMA MSA MAS ASM AMSThere are 3 different letters in this name and 6 different
arrangements.JO OJThere are 2 different letters in this name and there are 2
different arrangements. UYCL????????????????????????? YCUL YUCL YULC YLCU YLUC CYLU CYUL CUYL CULY CLUY Table of Results Number of Letters Number of Different Arrangements 2 2 3 6 4 24 5 120 6 720 7 5040 From the table of results I have found out that a 2 letter
word has 2 arrangements, and a 3 letter word has 6. Taking for example a 3 letter word, I have worked out that
if we do 3 (the length of the word) x 2 = 6, the number of different
arrangements. In a 4 letter word, to work out the amount of different
arrangements you can do 4 x 3 x 2 = 24, or you can do 4!, which is called 4
factorial which is the same as 4 x 3 x 2.So, by using factorial (!) I can predict that there will be
40320 different arrangements for an 8 letter word. The formula for this is:????? n!
= a Where n = the number of letters in the word and ??????????? a
= the number of different arrangements. Now I am going to investigate the number of different
arrangements in a word with 2 letters repeated, 3 letters repeated and 4
letters repeated.EMMA AMME AMEM EMAM AEMM EAMM MMEA MMAE MEMA MAME MEAM MAEM4 letter word, 2 letters repeated, 12 different
arrangements.MUM MMU UMM3 letter word, 2 letters repeated, 3 different arrangements. PQMMM PMQMM PMMQM PMMMQ QPMMM QMPMM QMMPM QMMMP MPQMM MPMQM MPMMQ MQPMM MQMPM MQMMP MMPQM MMQMP MMMPQ MMMQP MMPQM MMMQP 5 letter word, 3 letters repeated, 20? different arrangements.SMMM MSMM MMSM MMMS4 letter word, 3 letters repeated, 4 different arrangements.RRRRK RRRKR RRKRR RKRRR KRRRR5 letter word, 4 letters repeated, 5 different arrangements.
Table of Results No of letters (n) No letters repeated Same letter repeated 2x (p) Same letter repeated 3x (p) Same letter repeated 4x (p) Same letter repeated 5x (p) 3 6 3 1 0 0 4 24 12 4 1 0 5 120 60 20 5 1 6 720 360 120 30 6 7 5040 2520 840 210 42 I have worked out that if you do say 5! = 120, to find out
how many different arrangement in a 3 letter word it would be 5! Divided by 6 =
20, so, a 6 letter word with 4 letters repeated would be 6! Divided by 24 = 30,
as you can see in the ?No letters repeated? column these are the numbers we are
dividing by:2 letters the same =??
n! ??????????????????????????????? ?(2Ч1 = 2) ???3 letters the same =??
n! ??????????????????????????????? ( 3Ч2x1 = 6)4 letters the same =??
n! ?????????????????????????????? ? (4Ч3x2Ч1 = 24)5 letters the same =??
n! ???????????????????????????????? (5Ч4x3Ч2x1 = 120)6 letters the same =??
n! ??????????????????????????? ?????(6Ч5x4Ч3x2Ч1 = 720) ?From this I have worked out the formula to fine out the
number of different arrangements: ???????????????? n! = the number of letters in
the word ????????? ???
p! = the number of letters the same Now I am going to
investigate the number of different arrangement for words with 2 or more
letters the same like, aabb, aaabb, or bbbaaa.This is a 4 letter word
with 2 letters the same, there are 6 different arrangements: xxyyI am going to use the
letters x and y (any letter)xxyy???? xyxy???? yxxy xyyx???? yxyx???? yyxxThis is a 5 letter word xxxyy xxxyy?? xxyxy?? xxyxx?? xyxyx?? xyxxy xyyxx?? yyxxx?? yxxxy?? yxyxx?? yxxyxThere are 10 different
arrangements In the above example there
are 3 x’s and 2 y’s As each letter has its own
number of arrangements i.e. there were 6 beginning with x, and 4 beginning with
y, I think that factorial has to be used again.As before, the original formula:?n! = the number of letters in
the word ?p! = the number of letters the same From this I have come up with a new formula? The number of total letters factorial,
divided by the number of x’s, y’s etc factorised and multiplied.For the above example: A four letter word like aabb; this has 2 a’s and 2 b’s (2
x’s and 2 y’s) So : 1Ч2x3Ч4 ?????? (1Ч2) x (1Ч2) = 24 ??? 4 ???? =
6 different arrangementsA five letter word like aaaab; this has 4 a’s and 1 b (4 x’s
and 1 y) So: 1Ч2x3Ч4x5 ????? (1Ч2x3Ч4) x (1)
?????????? = 120 ?????????????? 24???? = 5
different arrangements ? A five letter words like abcde; this has 1 of each letter (no
letters the same) So : 1Ч2x3Ч4 ?? (1Ч1x1Ч1x1Ч1) ????????? = 24 ????????????? 1??????? = 24 different arrangementsA five letter word like aaabb; this has 3 a’s and 2 b’s (3
x’s and 2 y’s). So : 1Ч2x3Ч4x5 ?????? (1Ч2x3) x
(1Ч2) = 120 ??? 12 ?? =
10 different arrangements ?This shows that my formula works: ??????????????????????? ????????? n!?? = the number of letters in the word ??????? x!y!
= the number of repeated letters the sameBy Katherine Bond? 11W
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