Sports in my life
Millions of people all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport help people to stay in good shape, keeps them fit, healthy and makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities.
I should admit that everyone must do all he can to be healthy. Good health is better than the best medicine. "A healthy mind in a healthy mind" as the old Latin saying goes. The English proverb "Sickness in the body brings sickness to the mind" expresses a similar idea but from different point of view. All kinds of physical exercises are very useful to make our bodies strong and to keep ourselves fit and healthy. To tell the truth I don't do sports regularly and it is not an essential part of my daily life. In the morning I do some exercises just to awake. Then some aerobics for myself. It puts me into the fine moods. In summer I like swimming, riding the bike or horse riding, but in winter I usually do not go in for sports. I don’t like skiing or tobogganing very much. I think I am not the person who can be fond of doing sports, though I consider sport an important part of human life. It really helps us to be healthy in mind and body. The human body is much more complicated than any machine. Yet it need less day-to-day care than machine. No machine can do all the things the body can do. No machine will work for 70 years or more, day and night, requiring only air, water, food and a few simple rules.
Frankly speaking, I have never had a wish to be a professional sportsman. I think professional sport is not really suitable for young people, because children just can’t cope with the pressures of the world of sport. To my mind, young players shouldn’t be allowed to become professionals until the age of 17 or 18 at least. The problem is that sport organizations try to find children at quite a young age, to train them and motivate them as early as possible. At that age they don’t have social problems, they don’t have boyfriends of girlfriends, so they give their sport the whole of their life. But they are so young that they can lose their childhood, and they’re adults before they’re 16. But of course they are not adults at all. Physically they can be quite developed, but emotionally they’re still children. So in my opinion, children should stay at home, stay at school, do the things that teenagers like doing. And if when they’re older they would really like to be a professional players, well, they will be a little older than all other sportsmen, but they’ll be better people for it, of that I’m perfectly sure. To be champions in the world of sport is really a high price if sports brakes the lives of children. This is my point of view. And if I had a chance to talk with a professional sportsman, I think I would like to meet some famous figure skater. I would like to know how it feels when you represent your country at the world championship. I guess it is a really great responsibility to be the hope of the nation.
My family mostly doesn’t go in for sports. The only popular outdoor activity in our family is travelling. Every summer we make voyages around the country, and of course driving to the Black sea which is one of our most beloved places. But that’s the only kind of sport which is popular in our family.
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