I have a dream
There are a lot of noble and important professions. One can hardly make
up his mind which to choose.
I want to be a doctor. I began to think of my future
profession when I was 12. You see, my father is a doctor. He is a qualified and
experienced surgeon in emergency surgical department of a military clinic. I
like my daddy's profession and I am eager to get a medical education and work
at a hospital. Day by day my father takes care of his clinic patients and [
know, he treats them well. He is very attentive. Every morning he comes to the
wards asking about complaints. He wants all people to be able-bodied and he
tries to make his in-patients well again. Now there are a lot of wounded
soldiers and officers from Chechnya and Bosnia. To operate on them and
sometimes simply save their lives is his main task. After each operation he
takes care of them. Day by day he helps them to recover and he is very happy
and proud when he says, "My in-patient is quite recovered today and he is
ofT. Sometimes he advises them to go to sanatoriums or mineral resorts after
leaving the hospital. He instructs them in detail what they can and can't do
and eat after their operations.
My grandfather was a doctor too. He went to sea on a nuclear submarine
is difficult to choose a profession
Two occupations attract me a lot. I like to talk with small children
and explain things to them and I like to write computer programs. I often think
which one is most favourable and can not decide which profession to choose. I
was born in a family of a teacher. When I was a little girl I went to school
with my mother attending her lessons. I watched her and I wanted my mother to
be a favourite and most respected teacher and the older friend for the pupils.
Once our English teacher caught a cold. I was in the
9th form then and was fond of English. The head teacher asked me to give an
English lesson in the 5th form. I entered the classroom and was terrified at
first with all those pupils' eyes stared at me. But I tried to get concentrated
and said "Good morning" in a quite and friendly voice. Then it was
all right. I wanted the pupils to like English just like I do. We read, wrote,
sang songs, asked and answered questions. Since then I gave English lessons for
several times when the teacher was absent and it was an exciting experience.
So, I know the job well and I was quite certain which profession should I
choose until daddy bought a personal computer. Since then everything has
changed much. First it was impossible for me to understand how it works. Now I
am an amateur programmer and my father says that I am certainly have an ability
for programming.
I still have a year ahead to decide, but now I am
not quite sure...
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